Saturday, March 6, 2010

Good Morning to You!

"Good morning to you, good morning to you, we're all in our places with sunshining faces! This is the way to start a new day!" Mom would sing this song to us in the mornings, especially school mornings. It was a fun way to start the day.
This morning I was greeted by a handsome hubby, breakfast in bed, Dave Mathews Band (playing in the background via XM), and a happy smiley little girl. Hubby was so sweet to give me a restful morning. I got to sleep in until 8:00am! That was oh so nice, considering my week days start at 5:15am (as long as the snooze it not hit various times). Our sweet girl Elise was so excited! After she and hubby presented the breakfast, she peered in on me from our living room. She had a giant smile, especially when I would "catch" her looking in on me. What a fun morning!
Next stop on today's list is a trip to the hardware store! I had a wave of DIY inspiration after Kellie's Wednesday post. Check out her blog This Blessed Nest, you'll be glad you did!


  1. i think you are the sweetest thing ever!
    you are blogland's secret. and i want to tell everyone about the secret!!!

    may i? sometime this week? would you mind if i did a post on opie dawn this week? it would be my pleasure. let me know what you think.

    what a thoughtful hubby you have!
    i tweeted your name & another one of my friends in HIGH hopes we may win a sewing machine from martha stewart. hope that was okay too. (i think that goes without saying - though. :) ha!
    happy weekend!

  2. Thank you so much! I would love it!

    Also, thanks for entering me in the sewing machine giveaway! :-)

    Happy weekend to you too!


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